Sunday, July 24, 2016

Transport In Haifa

We are sitting at a cafe in the Mercaz HaCarmel(center) part of Haifa looking at the shortest subway in the world. The Carmelit is the only direct path to downtown Haifa and the city center.The city is known for its hilly nature and winding roads. It reminds be of my native Colorado but without the snow. Driving can be difficult not only due to the terrain but a lack of parking and short fuses of many Israeli drivers. Therefore, I choose to use public transportation rather than own a car.

Haifa has buses, cabs, and a high speed train that connects with cities such as Tel Aviv and Nahariya. The international airport known as Ben Gurion is just an hour and a quarter trip from here. Internet access is available plus power outlets to charge cell phones on trains and many buses. . The noise from cell phone chatter often drowns out other surrounding sounds. Due to quick and low cost transportation many Haifa residents commute to work daily using public services.

Buses are modern, air conditioned, and low cost The basic cost is about $1.50 per ride but discount passes are available.I use what is called a Rav Kav which gives me unlimited monthly rides at a very low price. Buses operate seven days a week in Haifa but only major routes on Saturday (Sabbath)

Cab rides are often entertaining as well as convenient. Most major thoroughfares have cab stations and ongoing hail cabs. Fare are negotiable and the mood of the driver is an important factor. It is rare that the same trip has the same rate. Having an honest and reliable cab driver in Haifa is a big plus.

Drivers only take cash and are often independent businessman. Many cabs are manufactured by Mercedes Benz, but you see all makes of vehicles. Cab riding is safe in Israel as robberies are rare. You can sit in the front seat with your driver which was a new experience for me. Not all drivers speak English Therefore it helps to have a your destination written in Hebrew when you hail a cab.

Low cost coach service connects Haifa to most other Israeli communities including Jerusalem. The country is small enough to visit Nazareth, Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv in the same day.

For those us who like to walk, there are many trails, steps, and main thoroughfares it is not unusual topass historical sites such as The Bhai Gardens, the tomb of Elijah the Prophet, or the Madatech museum which was co -founded by Albert Einstein.

So for would be visitors, Haifa is both accessible and offers low cost travel.

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